Calm, Cozy, and Clean

Pure essential oils for you and your home.

Breathe Easy

Toxic chemicals can be found in everything from food to furniture, cleaning products to beauty supplies. And “of the more than 80,000 chemicals currently used in the United States, most haven’t been adequately tested for their effects on human health.”

With essential oils, you can make your own high-quality, plant-based products, and create a cleaner environment for you and your family.

Chemicals and Autoimmunity

There are over 100 autoimmune diseases affecting more than 24 million people in the U.S., and that number is on the rise. While genetic predisposition is a factor, it only accounts for 30% of cases.

Environmental triggers including toxic chemicals account for the other 70%.

Even someone who buys organic food and natural products might be surprised at how many questionable ingredients sneak into their home. A ditch and switch approach to cleansing your environment can be eye opening and also bring peace of mind.

Get Started With Oils

A starter bundle is the most cost effective ways to get started with oils. Among bonus items specific to each package, these bundles include a variety of common oils that you can use to make diffuser blends, cleaning supplies, beauty products, and more.

If you order through my link, I will also send you a welcome kit that includes:

  • Recipe cards
  • A sample of Thieves cleaner with a spray bottle and label
  • 2 roller bottles so you can make your own blends
  • 2 dropper bottles so you can make your own moisturizer

You will also gain access to the Nesting Well Facebook group that has incredible resources and recipes for how to use your oils.


I’ve had Hashimoto’s disease since I was 15 but the symptoms were always mild enough to ignore…until recently. Because chemicals are a trigger for autoimmune diseases, I started using more natural, plant-based cleaning and beauty products as a way to reduce unnecessary exposure in my environment.

On this site I share the tactics I’ve used to calm my mind and body, as well as how I use essential oils to create a clean and serene environment in my home. I also provide affiliate links for those of you who want to get started with oils.



Autoimmune Diseases Linked to Environmental Factors

Have questions? Get in Touch!

3 + 4 =

Quick Answers

1. You do not need to sell oils to buy them.

2. There is no minimum order requirement.

3. You can buy any products at retail but if you buy a kit it’s like getting a membership that gives you access to wholesale prices.

4. When you buy a kit you also get access to an oil-loving community on Facebook that offers great resources and recipes for how to use the oils.

5. The monthly membership program is optional (but another great way to save money).