Feed The Soul

ingredients for life

Hi there, I’m Michelle

I believe we are the architects of our lives, the gatekeepers of our souls. From the food we eat to the relationships we invest in, to the way we spend our time, we decide which ingredients make up our own crazy beautiful life. Those are the things I tend to write about.

For what it’s worth, I’m an INFP, a Human Design Generator, and an Enneagram 4. My strengths are empathy, individualization, developer, intellection, and relator.

Food for the Soul


our greatest currency


the best medicine


doing things on purpose


the foundation 


the secret ingredient

“If of thy mortal goods thou art bereft, and from thy slender store two loaves alone are left, sell one and with the dole buy hyacinths to feed the soul.”

Moslih Eddin Saadi