3 Tips to Combat Thyroid-Related Hair Loss

Hair loss stinks. It’s scary, and it’s made scarier by the fact that it’s hard to identify the true cause. It can be subtle too. By the time you realize it’s happening, your hair has probably gotten so thin that it’s undeniable. Unfortunately, a lot of women with...

3 Pitfalls of a Gluten-Free Diet

As someone with thyroid disease, I’ve been told a number of times to eat a gluten-free diet. The alternative health community strongly suggests that going gluten-free is one of the first steps to managing your symptoms. And while science has not found a link...

My Favorite Hashimoto’s Diet Recipes

Hashimoto’s diets vary person to person, however, the general consensus in the alternative community is that patients should avoid gluten, dairy and soy. The recipes on this page follow those parameters at a minimum. Beyond that baseline, diets can get pretty specific...

Hypothyroidism Diet and Health Plan

Autoimmune cases are so varied that diets should be unique to each individual. This post outlines how I approach my hypothyroidism diet and Hashimoto’s health plan. Please note that I am not a doctor, I am not even a specialist. I am just one person with...

My History With Hashimoto’s

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease when I was 15. Until recently it didn’t seem to impact my life all that much. In fact, my biggest challenge was convincing my doctor to give me a six-month prescription prior to extended travel so I wouldn’t have to worry...